Tropical Island Cocktail Carnelian Crystal Jewelry Candle

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Tropical Island Cocktail is a Carnelian crystal candle with surprise jewelry piece hidden inside.

Carnelian is a true power stone. Personal power of all forms can be increased when working with Carnelian.  It provides you the courage and motivation to move forward with confidence. A vitality stone,Carnelian boosts/stimulates sexuality, ambition, and drive. 

Emotionally,  Carnelian helps you to manage your negative emotions such as anger, free, rage envy, sorrow,and jealously. It is a great stone for sharpening the mind and improving mental capabilities. This aids in clearer thinking and clarification of life goals so you can choose your best path in life. 

Carnelian boosts vitality and sexual energy. It is great stone  for creativity and inspiration.

 With Carnelian , the life force is revitalized

Carnelian Energy Properties:

Higher Self Esteem







Boosts Fertility

Motivates toward success

Promotes positive life choices 

21 oz

Scent Tropical Island Cocktail( A Volcano Type Scent)